Today, the cutthroat state of the market doesn’t allow anyone to take required business measures for granted. One of the crucial and unav...
Home / Archive for June 2017
Resume Parsing – How Candies Making It Understand Easily!
An Analogy to Understand It Quickly! Probably, this analogy helps you understand what does resume parsing mean. A truck full of mult...
How Can Human Resource Save Time?
In recruitment, onboarding is the ultimate activity for HR professionals. At the end of the day, an HR is questioned over how many candida...
5 Best HR Companies in India
In India, the real transformation in the HR industry had started happening back in late 2010. It led Indian HR companies to sign merger...
Follow the Basics - Employer Branding
A great “employee retention” program is equivalent to creating a great “ employment branding ”. In layman’s term, if a company is able to ...
Resume Parsing - Data Mining Becomes Easy!
Resume Parsing is a mechanism which allows the users to process resumes by extracting data in a smart manner. It helps recruiters to res...
Employer Branding Equals to Employer Advertising Services!
A great “employee retention” program is equivalent to creating a great “employer branding” . Also, it's equivalent to obtaining emplo...
Before You Go SaaS HR!
Undoubtedly, organizations are rethinking of how they actually operate as far as staffing service is concerned. A recent report disclos...
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